Friday, 6 February 2009

05 February - The Second Great Storm of '09

Thursday morning revealed 3 inches of very heavy snow. It was very evident that this part of the country would again be paralyzed.
Rhiannon, a friend of the family came over to help Maeghan build a snowman. Jeff eventually went out to help as the base became too heavy for the girls. I went out when it became clear that Jeff was having a problem; he was leaning on the large snowball trying to catch his breath.
Alexander decided he would enjoy the snowfall by staring out the window; but was later convinced that he would be better off outside.I think he had visions of himself sitting in front his X-Box all day.
Louise called some friends and invited them over for a 'snow-day'.They soon showed up bearing bottles of mulled wine and were greeted with hot chocolate and muffins. Jeff started a fire on the patio and we gathered there to enjoy the goodies.
A wonderful way to way to the storm

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