After a restful night in Carlisle we packed up and headed out for a busy day. Our first task was a geocache behind Carlisle Cathedral. While Louise kept watch for muggles (anyone who does not geocache) Jeff found the cache.

After finding the cache we toured the cathedral. Unfortunately it was a dull day so it was difficult to take any pictures of the interior; the spaces are so large that the light from the flash just gets lost. I was able to photograph the beautiful ceiling and the remains of a possible relative, Bishop Harvey Goodwin. It would be nice to have a Bishop in the family. I was remiss in not taking any photos of the exterior of the cathedral. That is a task I will do on my next trip to Carlisle. The cathedral and many of the surrounding buildings are constructed of a red sandstone stained with black soot. The verger explained that the railway station was quite close to the cathedral for many years and the coal burning steam engines produced this unsightly 'patina'.

Jeff and Louise didn't care for the picture Jeff took so asked me to snap one. The kids aren't in the picture because they are in the car watching a movie.